A Short Brief About Internet

 The internet is a larger network that allows computer networks controlled by enterprises, governments, colleges, and other organizations all over the world to communicate with one another. As a result, there are a tangle of cables, computers, data centers, routers, servers, repeaters, satellites, and wi-fi towers that allow digital data to go around the world.

The Internet is a vast network of networks that functions as a networking infrastructure. It links millions of computers throughout the world, creating a network in which any computer can talk with any other computer as long as they are both linked to the Internet.

The Internet is a global network of interconnected computers that communicate and share information using a standardized Internet Protocol Suite.

Questions for the readers:

(Give your answers in the comment section below)

Question 1: List the advantages and disadvantages of the internet ?

Question 2: List the ways to connect to the internet ?

Question 3: Compare the Internet & the World Wide Web ?

Question 4: What is the full form of www ?

Question 5: What is the basic difference between the Internet and the network ?

There is no correct or wrong answers for these questions. So you can give your answers in the comment session below and we will give ours in the next post.


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