Solution for Question 1:

Advantages of internet are,

  • Source of entertainment – Online gaming, talking, browsing, music, movies, dramas, and TV series are quickly becoming the most popular ways to pass the time.
  • Source of information – There is no better place to conduct research than the internet. We can learn about the latest trends, communicate with experts without having to physically visit them, and seek professional advice over the internet.
  • E – Commerce – With the advancement of internet technology, large online E-commerce enterprises such as Amazon, Ali Baba, myntra etc. have emerged.
  • Working from home, collaborating with others, and having access to a global workforce are all advantages.
  • Keeps Updated – Because there are hundreds of thousands of newsgroups and services that keep you updated with every tick of the clock, the Internet is a source of the most recent news.

Disadvantages of internet are,

  • Time Wastage – Most people believe that spending too much time on the internet is unhealthy for young people and leads to obesity. 
  • Money Laundering – Aside from reputable sites, there are some Social Media Advertising sites that try to steal your personal information, credit card information, and even your pin code. You can easily become a victim of money scam if they get this information.
  • Exposure to private data – It is now quite easy to decipher someone’s chat or email communication thanks to the hacking community. As we all know, data is transmitted in packets, which hackers can simply detect and reconstruct.
  • Harassment & threatening – Bullies exist online, just as they do in real life, and they can lower your self-esteem by harassing and threatening you. Some of these individuals may be persons who are aware of some of your personal details and dislike you, and may use this information to harass you.

Solution for Question 2:

We can connect to the internet in the following ways:

  • Dial-Up – In order to access the Internet, in this type of connection, users must connect their phone line to a computer . This link prevents the user from using tier home phone service to make or receive calls.
  • Broadband – Broadband is a high-speed internet connection that is frequently utilized nowadays and is provided by cable or phone companies.
  • Wireless connections – Internet access is accomplished by radio waves, thus it is possible to connect to the Internet from any location. Wi-Fi and mobile service providers are examples of wireless connections. 

Solution for Question 3:

Sir Tim Berners-Lee is credited with creating the World Wide Web. He came up with the core idea for the WWW while working at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in 1989. He wanted to combine the growing technologies of computers, data networks, and hypertext into a powerful and easy-to-use worldwide information system.

The Internet is a vast network of networks that functions as a networking infrastructure. It links millions of computers throughout the world, creating a network in which any computer can talk with any other computer as long as they are both linked to the Internet. The World Wide Web, or simply Web, is a method of gaining access to information over the Internet.

The World Wide Web, also known as the ‘www,’ is a collection of webpages that can be quickly published on the Internet and read by millions of people. 

Solution for Question 4:

The full form of www is World Wide Web. It is the world’s most dominant software and is commonly known as the web.

Solution for Question 5:

Serial numberNetworkInternet
1.A network is a collection of two or more computer systems.The internet, on the other hand, is the interconnection of a few networks.
2. Low hardware devices required as compared to internet. More hardware devices required as compared to network.
3. Geographically constrained (small – area wise)Geographically extensive (large – area wise)
4.As cover small area, low error rateAs covers large area, higher error rate
5. Lower communication costHigh communication cost


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